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  • Demon Hunters 2: Retribution (Stand Alone Series) (Demon Hunters.) Page 3

Demon Hunters 2: Retribution (Stand Alone Series) (Demon Hunters.) Read online

Page 3

  “Go away, Demon.” There was no heat in her words, only weariness.

  “After you have answered my three questions.”

  Scarlett hit the steering wheel with her palms. “You’re really annoying. And stop grinning at me like that. I’m not about to become a mindless puddle at your feet and ask more stupid questions.” She growled and dropped her head to the steering wheel.

  “It’s hard when you can’t use questions. But remember, I have the same problem. I can’t ask questions of you without using up the three I have left.”

  Scarlett turned her head to look at him, still leaning on the steering wheel. “All I have to do is get you to ask your three questions and then you’re gone.”

  “I’ll swap all questions you owe me if you will unmake me.”

  “I can’t kill you.”

  “I’m not asking you to kill me. Unmake me. It’s different.”

  Scarlett leaned back in her seat. She held up her left hand and turned her head away. “I can’t talk to you. Will-” She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. “Cancel that last word. I need you to leave me be for a bit.” She turned to face him when he took her hand in his. “Let me go,” she said through clenched teeth.

  He raised her hand to his lips and held it there. As he pulled back, he smiled and let her go. “I will give you an hour. Maybe then you might recall how peaceful life was without me and be willing to grant my favour.”

  The air shimmered and Des was gone as suddenly as he’d appeared. Scarlett reached out to where he’d sat. Her hand encountered nothing. She drew her hand back to run it though her hair.

  “What am I going to do now?” Her words were a whisper in the otherwise silent car. She looked at the time. One hour. That meant he’d return around dark. She had to think of where she could go before then. She considered going to her church, but she wasn’t ready to see Father Joe. That left one other sanctuary, but she had another phone call she should make first.

  “Hey, Scarlett.”



  “I-” Scarlett frowned.

  Alyssa laughed. “This is Blake’s phone. He’s dropping me home. Did you want him to ring you back in a couple of minutes?”

  Scarlett fell silent as she tried to figure out what to do. Maybe it would be best not to mention Retribution while he was driving.

  “Scarlett? You still there?”


  “Blake wants to know what’s wrong.”

  “Maybe it’d be best if he rings me back-”

  Blake interrupted her. “Scarlett.”

  “Blake.” Her mind came up blank.

  “Come on, Scarlett. We’re parked out the front of Allie’s parents’ place. If we sit here too long, we’ll have her parents out here checking on us.”

  “Maybe…. it might be… Allie…” How could she even mention Retribution around Alyssa after all that had happened to her? She had expected to find Blake alone.

  “Where are you, Scarlett?”

  This probably wasn’t something that should be explained over the phone, but should she tell Alyssa too? “Can you meet me at the cemetery near your place?”


  “I’m about twenty minutes away.”

  There were a few seconds of silence before Blake replied. “Okay.”

  She finally reached a decision. “Do you think Allie can come too?”

  “I don’t think her parents will agree. She’s still partially grounded.”

  “Tell them it’s a prayer meeting to pray for the soul of a parishioner who’s going through a difficult time.”

  “Who would that parishioner be, Scarlett?”


  “What about Alex and Riley?”

  “Not yet. Just you two. Please?”

  “Okay. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Thanks, Blake.” She ended the call and stared at her phone.

  Blake was Riley’s older brother and they were her only first cousins. She had plenty of second and third cousins, as well as aunts and uncles. Out of all her relatives, she was closest to Blake, Riley and her brother Alex. They had done most of their training, to be demon hunters, together. Blake was the oldest of the four of them at twenty-two and Riley was twenty, only a year older than her. Alyssa, Blake’s girlfriend, was eighteen like her brother Alex.

  She started her car and drove to the old cemetery. It was within walking distance of Blake’s house that he shared with a couple of university students. He’d spent eighteen months away from the family and had only returned late last year. He had chosen not to stay at Gran’s house with the three of them. He valued his privacy too much and you never knew which family members, or how many, were likely to descend on the house. Nor how long they’d stay.

  Reaching the cemetery, Scarlett locked her car and wandered amongst the graves. Pausing in front of some of the older ones, she read the inscriptions. She slowly made her way to a grave that had an angel watching over it and dropped onto the grass beside it. She could see her car from this spot and her fingers randomly plucked at the grass as she waited for Blake to arrive. His four-wheel-drive pulled up next to her car moments later and both Blake and Alyssa climbed out of the vehicle. Scarlett remained seated as they drew closer.

  They were both dressed in black jeans and shirts and wore a cross identical to the one Scarlett had around her neck. Alyssa had green eyes and dark hair, which fell in layered waves to just past her shoulders. A crimson streak curved through her hair starting at the crown on the left side of her head.

  The first thing people noticed about Blake was the demon mark that circled from his wrist to his elbow. It had been tattooed to look like barbed wire, but after an encounter with the demon Retribution, the ink was now as red as Alyssa’s lock of hair. He had blue eyes, dark hair, tanned skin and a tendency to have his hair cut infrequently and shave irregularly to give him a slightly scruffy look.

  They sat in the grass across from Scarlett and Blake’s arm automatically draped around Alyssa’s shoulders. Alyssa leaned in towards him with a slight smile.

  “Okay. Time to spill,” Blake said.

  “Why did I think it’d be easier talking to just the two of you?” Scarlett ran her fingers through her hair. When she realised what she did, she quickly dropped her hands into her lap. “I had a demon appear in my car.”

  “Sounds like it might need to be re-blessed.” Blake linked his fingers through Alyssa’s.

  “No. He said it was uncomfortable, but he could stand it since he is only… well, only a minor demon.”

  Blake grinned. “What’s the sin?”

  “Lust,” Scarlett mumbled.

  Blake burst out laughing.

  “It’s not funny.” Scarlett glared at him.

  “Blake, quit teasing her. A demon isn’t anything to laugh about,” Alyssa said.

  “Sure, Allie Cat.” Blake tried to suppress his grin, but gave up.

  “He’s trying to escape from Retribution.”

  Blake’s grin evaporated. “What?”

  Scarlett smiled wryly. “Thought that’d stop your laughter.”

  “You’re serious?” When Scarlett nodded, Blake said, “You’d better tell the whole story. Every little bit.”

  Chapter Four

  Scarlett nodded reluctantly. She glanced at the time on her phone. She had fifteen minutes before Des was back. She started with the demon appearing in her car, told about accidentally agreeing to exchange information with him, how she’d sent another minor demon back to hell and her weakness at the public phone where she’d ended up owing a third question to Des. Part way through her story, she noticed Des sitting on the bonnet of her car. After the first glance at him, she refused to look again.

  “So if you had an hour’s peace, then shouldn’t he be back by now?” Blake asked.

  Scarlett automatically looked towards her car where Des now leaned against her windscreen, his hands behind his head as he stared up at the stars that dot
ted the night sky.

  Blake turned to see what drew Scarlett’s attention. “Is that him?”

  “But that’s a man,” Alyssa exclaimed.

  Scarlett nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Come on then.” Blake rose to his feet. “I haven’t made any deals with him.”

  Scarlett and Alyssa rose to their feet and walked one on each side of Blake. Des continued to relax on the bonnet of the car, even when they stood near him. A look of amusement caused his lips to curve slightly.

  “Wow, you weren’t kidding,” Alyssa said to Scarlett.

  “Allie,” Scarlett groaned.

  Alyssa laughed. “Did you deliberately choose the face of an angel, Des? Or is that the face you’re stuck with here on Earth?”

  “Allie Cat.” There was a warning in Blake’s voice.

  “I’m sorry, but well, he doesn’t look anything like a demon,” Alyssa said.

  “Neither does Nathan,” Blake said.

  Alyssa’s hands went to her hips. “Gee thanks, Blake. Way to ruin my night.”

  Scarlett could empathise with that feeling. Nathan had kidnapped Alyssa and tried to use her as a human sacrifice for Retribution. And now Retribution was after her. It didn’t make sense.

  “Demons are more dangerous than any human. I just want you to remember that.” Blake reached out and tugged on Alyssa’s crimson lock of hair before he turned to face Des. “I want to make it clear I’m not interested in making any deals, taking up any offers or anything else you might be hawking. I’m declining all of them now, no matter what you say or how you word it. There’s nothing you have that I want and I have nothing I am willing to give you.”

  “A thorough man. Interesting.” Des continued to recline on the car.

  “What do you want with my cousin?” Blake demanded.

  “Seems like you do want something from me. Answers,” Des said.

  “I’m trying to see if there’s any way I can resolve this standoff.”

  “Are you speaking on behalf of your cousin then?”

  No,” Blake and Scarlett answered together.

  Des laughed. “You must admit it was worth a try.”

  “Forget for a moment you’re a demon and talk straight with us. What do you want, Des?” Blake asked.

  “I’ve already explained to Scarlett. I wish her to make me cease to exist.”

  “You can’t seriously expect us to believe that. You’re a demon. Why would you want to die when you can live for an eternity?” Blake asked.

  “Not die. Cease to exist. There’s a small chance I will exist again one day in the future. Slim, but worth the gamble.” Des turned his dark eyes on Alyssa. “Would you wish Retribution on anyone?”

  Alyssa shuddered. “No.”

  “I face an age of Retribution’s tender loving care if I don’t answer his call. You think all demons are the same. We’re not. I don’t gain pleasure from torturing other people. The kind of demon I am is focused on different pleasures. It’s not that I won’t be able to live with myself if I do torture Scarlett, it’s that I won’t be myself. And I’ve rather gotten used to me. I don’t want to change. I’m actually quite averse to change.”

  “Wouldn’t ceasing to exist be a really large change?” Blake asked.

  “How can you change something if there is nothing there to change?”

  “That sounds like a demon comment to me,” Scarlett said. “I thought you were going to talk straight with us.”

  Des grinned. “I never agreed to anything. What you assume is your problem.”

  “Why do you have to play these stupid games?” Allie asked. “How can we help you if you’re going to keep doing this?”

  “No demon would ever give up any of their power or put themselves at a disadvantage, weakening themselves,” Des said.

  “Does it have to be Scarlett who unmakes you?” Blake asked.

  Des shook his head. “No. I knew asking her was a long shot. She’s very much by the book. All demons say she sees things in black and white with no shades of grey. But she’s the target. I thought it might make a difference.”

  “I-” Scarlett began.

  “I keep telling you it’s not murder. It would only be murder if a death was involved,” Des said.

  “Do you know what’s involved in making you cease to exist?” Blake asked.

  Des shook his head. “No. I was hoping you’d be able to figure it out. There are stories about a Hunter who once unmade a demon.”

  “Hunter as in-”

  “Scarlett!” Blake said in warning.

  Scarlett frowned. “You should be more specific when you use the word hunter since you could be talking about a relative of mine or using it in the accepted dictionary way.” She shook her head. “You’re making it very difficult for me to help you, Des.”

  Des grinned. “I thought you hunters liked a challenge.”

  “Are you talking about a relative of ours?” Blake asked.

  “Yes. But that’s all the information I could get. I don’t know the name, or even the year.”

  Scarlett ran her fingers through her hair and sighed heavily. “You can’t imagine how many books our family have written, including diaries and handwritten manuals from centuries ago. This is an impossible task. And you haven’t even said when you’ll be asked to hunt me.” Scarlett glared at Des when he remained quiet. “Arghh!”

  “He’s a bit annoying, isn’t he?” Alyssa said. “Makes it easier to think of him as a demon.”

  Des leaned forward to sit crossed legged on the bonnet. “I can’t give you a time. All I know is someone will receive a call when they’re with Scarlett to say Nathan has slipped surveillance. It will occur about six hours after that event. Give or take a few minutes.”

  “Then we’ll change things.” Blake pulled out his phone. “Gran… yeah, she’s with me… a little problem, well it’s little for the moment… later Gran. I need you to increase the surveillance on Nathan… major disaster if he slips it…. I don’t have all the details and what I do have is unreliable.” Blake turned away from Des when the demon rolled his eyes.

  “What is it with you lot? You want me to swear an oath that I speak the truth?” Des muttered.

  “Demon, Gran… Sure.” Blake held the phone out to Des. “My grandmother would like to talk to you.”

  Des took the phone. “Venerable one of the Hunters, how are you this lovely summer evening?” Des laughed after he had listened for a few seconds. “About sixty years ago, are you still as lovely?” Des chuckled.

  “He’s flirting with Gran,” Scarlett said in shock.

  “What can you expect? That does go hand in hand with his sin,” Blake said.

  “Yeah, but Gran!”

  “Shh! Listen,” Blake said.

  “I would be delighted to visit with you again, my lady,” Des said.

  “No!” Scarlett shook her head. “I’m not taking him home.”

  Blake took his phone when Des handed it to him and listened for a few seconds. “I hope you know what you’re doing Gran… I’ll see you shortly.”

  “Blake-” Scarlett began.

  “Gran has spoken.” Blake slid his phone in his pocket.

  “But a demon?” Scarlett glanced towards Des. “And I wasn’t talking to you, that was addressed to Blake so don’t even think about answering it.”

  Blake rested his hands on Scarlett’s shoulders. “Shh. Gran wants to speak with him. He’s not being invited into our home. I doubt he’d be able to enter. Do you want to drop your car at my house and I’ll drive you to Gran’s or are you up to driving?”

  Scarlett took a deep, shuddering breath. How had everything gone so wrong so quickly? “I’ll drive.”

  “Good. And just remember, we’re meant to pray for your soul sometime tonight so Allie doesn’t have to lie to her parents,” Blake said.

  Scarlett glanced towards Des and smiled before she turned back to Blake. “How about now?”

  Blake laughed. “Very mean, Scarlett. Ok
ay, why not? I’m sure he knows better than to stick around.”

  Des vanished the moment they began to pray and didn’t appear again until Scarlett was in her car and nearly at her Gran’s house. Other than a quick glance in his direction, she ignored him.

  Scarlett pulled up in front of closed double garage doors and Blake parked beside her. She looked at the spacious house caught in her headlights, the timber painted in neutral creams and browns. The gardens were lit with strategically placed lights to highlight the mass of flowering plants and shrubs. She turned off the headlights and sat in the darkness of her car.

  She wanted to ask Des to leave her family alone and not to trick them or harm them. But she was having trouble thinking of a way to word such a request without it being a demand or a question.

  “I know you’re a demon, but I want you to remember that you’re here because we’re trying to help you. I would appreciate… it would… argh. Just treat my family decent,” she ended in frustration.

  Des laughed. “I really should be offended by that comment. But I’m too amused by the effort it took for you to get nowhere with your non-question.”

  Scarlett threw her door open, grabbed her sword and slammed the door shut behind her. She walked around her car to join Blake and Alyssa near the front door. Blake rested his hand on her shoulder momentarily.

  “I’m fine.” Scarlett sighed heavily. “Well, I will be.”

  The front door opened and Alex stepped out. “Gran’s waiting for you around the back in the gazebo.” He glanced towards the demon. “She wants you to bring him around too.”

  Scarlett saw the anger in her brother’s dark brown eyes, the same eyes she saw every time she looked in a mirror. His hair, the same shade as his eyes, was cut short, almost shaved. He had a square jaw, sharp cheekbones and a solemn look. At six foot, and broad shouldered, he stood out in any crowd. And unlike his cousin, most people never noticed the thin lines that snaked around his wrist three times.

  Scarlett reached out with her left hand and clasped Alex’s forearm so her wrist was against his. “She’s never steered us wrong yet.”

  Alex nodded before he led the way around the side of the house, following a well-lit path. The gazebo was draped in a flowering, scented vine, the smell heavy on the warm air. There were two people waiting in the gazebo. Gran and Riley.